Class MoleculeReader

    • Constructor Detail

      • MoleculeReader

        MoleculeReader(String moleculeName, String property, Incarnation<?, ?> incarnation, ExportFilter filter, List<String> aggregatorNames, Integer precision)
        moleculeName -
        the target molecule
        property -
        the target property
        incarnation -
        the target incarnation
        filter -
        the [FilteringPolicy] to use
        aggregatorNames -
        the names of the [UnivariateStatistic] to use for
        aggregating data. If an empty list is passed, then the values
        will be logged indipendently for each node.
      • MoleculeReader

        MoleculeReader(String moleculeName, String property, Incarnation<?, ?> incarnation, ExportFilter filter, List<String> aggregatorNames)
        moleculeName -
        the target molecule
        property -
        the target property
        incarnation -
        the target incarnation
        filter -
        the [FilteringPolicy] to use
        aggregatorNames -
        the names of the [UnivariateStatistic] to use for
        aggregating data. If an empty list is passed, then the values
        will be logged indipendently for each node.
    • Method Detail

      • extractData

         <T extends Any> Map<String, Double> extractData(Environment<T, ?> environment, Actionable<T> reaction, Time time, Long step)

        Extracts properties from an environment. The returned map must either:

        • contain a single element,

        • have the keys matching columnNames, or

        • be iterable in predictable order (namely, implement SortedMap or extend one of LinkedHashMap or ConcurrentLinkedHashMap).

        environment -
        the {@link Environment}
        reaction -
        the last executed {@link Reaction}
        time -
        the current {@link Time}
        step -
        the simulation step

        the extracted properties with their names. The returned map must either: - contain a single element, - have the keys matching columnNames, or - be iterable in predictable order (namely, implement SortedMap or extend LinkedHashMap).