Class ChemotacticPolarization

    • Constructor Detail

      • ChemotacticPolarization

        ChemotacticPolarization(Environment<Double, Euclidean2DPosition> environment, Node<Double> node, Biomolecule biomolecule, String ascendGrad)
        environment - the environment
        node - the node
        biomolecule - biomolecule's name
        ascendGrad - if that parameter is true, the polarization versor of the cell will be directed in direction of the highest concentration of biomolecule in neighborhood; if it's false, the versor will be directed in the exactly opposite direction.
      • ChemotacticPolarization

        ChemotacticPolarization(Environment<Double, Euclidean2DPosition> environment, Node<Double> node, String biomolecule, String ascendGrad)
        Initialize a polarization activity regulated by environmental concentration of a molecule.
        environment - the environment
        node - the node
        biomolecule - biomolecule's name
        ascendGrad - if that parameter is true, the polarization versor of the cell will be directed in direction of the highest concentration of biomolecule in neighborhood; if it's false, the versor will be directed in the exactly the opposite direction.