Class Junction

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    it.unibo.alchemist.model.Dependency , it.unibo.alchemist.model.Molecule ,

    public final class Junction
    extends SimpleMolecule

    Represents a junction between two cells.

    • Constructor Detail

      • Junction

        Junction(String name, Map<Biomolecule, Double> moleculesInCurrentNode, Map<Biomolecule, Double> moleculesInNeighborNode)
        Build a junction.
        name - the name of the junction.
        moleculesInCurrentNode - A map of molecules (with their concentration) which was in the current node.
        moleculesInNeighborNode - A map of molecules (with their concentration) which was in the current node.
      • Junction

        Junction(Junction toClone)
        Builds a junction from another junction.
        toClone - the junction to clone.