Package it.unibo.alchemist.model.cognitive
See: Description
Interface Summary Interface Description CognitiveModel Theoretical model to describe the cognitive processes underlying in an agent. CognitiveProperty The pedestrian's cognitive capability. Group A group of nodes. GroupSteeringAction A SteeringAction related to a group of pedestrians. GroupWithLeader A group with a special member acting as a leader. HumanProperty A capability representing a pedestrian's individual characteristics. NavigationAction A SteeringAction allowing a node to navigate an environment consciously (e.g. NavigationStrategy Defines what a node should do when in a new room (= environment's area), this is designed to be used jointly with a NavigationAction: the latter defines how to properly move the node, while delegating the decision on where to move it to a NavigationStrategy. OrientingAgent An agent capable of orienting itself inside an environment. OrientingProperty A node's capability to orient. PedestrianProperty A node capability to move. PerceptiveProperty The pedestrian's capability to influence other pedestrians. PhysicalSteeringStrategy Defines how physical forces and steering actions (which may be seen as intentional forces) are combined to compute the overall next position reached by a physical node. RunningPedestrianProperty A node's capability to run. SocialProperty The pedestrian's capability for form groups. SteeringAction Action whose purpose is moving a node inside the environment it is in. SteeringActionWithTarget A SteeringAction with a defined target. SteeringStrategy Strategy interface describing how the next points of the steering actions are combined to calculate the next position to move on. WalkingPedestrianProperty A node capability to walk. -
Class Summary Class Description HeterogeneousPedestrianModel A pedestrian with individual characteristics.