Package it.unibo.alchemist.model.cognitive.reactions
See: Description
Class Summary Class Description BlendedSteering Steering behavior using DistanceWeighted steering strategy (= steering actions are summed with different weights depending on the distance to their target). CognitiveBehavior Reaction representing the cognitive behavior of a pedestrian. NavigationPrioritizedSteering A SteeringBehavior using SinglePrevalent steering strategy and accepting a collection of actions containing a single NavigationAction2D, which is used as the prevalent one. NavigationPrioritizedSteeringWithPhysics NavigationPrioritizedSteering strategy for physical pedestrians, taking into account physical forces as well. PhysicalBlendedSteering A BlendedSteering reaction which also considers physical interactions. PrioritySteering Steering behavior using Nearest steering strategy (= the only action executed is the one with the nearest target). SteeringBehavior Reaction representing the steering behavior of a pedestrian.