Class Expression

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    it.unibo.alchemist.model.sapere.dsl.IExpression , , java.lang.Cloneable

    public final class Expression
     implements IExpression
    • Constructor Detail

      • Expression

        Expression(ITree tree)
        This constructor does not do any parsing, and thus is much faster than the other one.
        tree - the ITree which represents this Expression
      • Expression

        Expression(ITreeNode<out Object> n)
        n - the root node of the expression
      • Expression

        Expression(String s)
        This constructor parses the String into an Expression.
        s - The String representing the expression
    • Method Detail

      • getAST

         ITree getAST()

        the ast representing the IExpression

      • matches

         boolean matches(IExpression expr, Map<HashString, ITreeNode<out Object>> matches)

        Tries to match this expression with expr. The matching rules are: (i) a variable matches everything; (ii) a constant value matches an identical constant value; (iii) a number matches an identical number or an operator, (iv) operators match everything but constants, (v) comparators match numbers and operators (verifying the values); (vi) expr type can't be comparator; (vii) add and rem operators work only with lists.

        expr - the expression to match

        true if this expression can "match" with expr.

      • mayMatch

         boolean mayMatch(IExpression expr)

        This match method test whether or not two expressions might match. It can be used to evaluate dependencies in a general fashion, it does not check if all the relations are satisfied (e.g. if applying the comparators) but makes a sort of "type checking". If you want to compare two templates, this is the way to go.

        expr - the expression to verify the possibility of future matches

        true if this expression can "match" with expr.

      • syntacticMatch

         boolean syntacticMatch(IExpression e)

        Runs a syntactic match against the e.

        e - the expression to match with

        true if the passed IExpression matches this one