Class CognitiveAgentAvoidLayer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    it.unibo.alchemist.model.Action , it.unibo.alchemist.model.cognitive.SteeringAction ,

    public final class CognitiveAgentAvoidLayer
    extends AbstractLayerAction

    Move the node towards positions of the environment with a low concentration of the target molecule.

    • Constructor Detail

      • CognitiveAgentAvoidLayer

        CognitiveAgentAvoidLayer(Euclidean2DEnvironment<Number> environment, Reaction<Number> reaction, PedestrianProperty<Number> pedestrian, Molecule targetMolecule, Double viewDepth)
        environment -
        the environment inside which the node moves.
        reaction -
        the reaction which executes this action.
        pedestrian -
        the owner of this action.
        targetMolecule -
        the {@link Molecule} you want to know the concentration in the different positions of the environment.
        viewDepth -
        the depth of view of the node, defaults to infinity.
      • CognitiveAgentAvoidLayer

        CognitiveAgentAvoidLayer(Euclidean2DEnvironment<Number> environment, Reaction<Number> reaction, PedestrianProperty<Number> pedestrian, Molecule targetMolecule)
        environment -
        the environment inside which the node moves.
        reaction -
        the reaction which executes this action.
        pedestrian -
        the owner of this action.
        targetMolecule -
        the {@link Molecule} you want to know the concentration in the different positions of the environment.
    • Method Detail

      • cloneAction

         CognitiveAgentAvoidLayer cloneAction(Node<Number> node, Reaction<Number> reaction)

        This method allows to clone this action on a new node. It may result useful to support runtime creation of nodes with the same reaction programming, e.g. for morphogenesis.

        node -
        The node where to clone this {@link Action}
        reaction -
        The reaction to which the CURRENT action is assigned

        the cloned action