
constructor(environment: Environment<Double, Euclidean2DPosition>, node: Node<Double>, inPercent: Boolean, delta: Double)(source)

Initialize an it.unibo.alchemist.model.Action that moves the cell of a given space delta, which can be expressed in percentage of the cell's diameter or in absolute. If the cell has diameter 0, the only way to express delta is absolute. There's no way to decide the direction of the cell by this it.unibo.alchemist.model.Action. This is inferred by the polarization vector contained in the cell.



the Node in which the it.unibo.alchemist.model.Action is contained. This can be only a CellNode.


a boolean parameter which set the way of expressing delta: if is true the cell movement will be (delta * cellDiameter), otherwise will be simply delta. If cellDiameter is zero, this it.unibo.alchemist.model.Action will in both cases behave like inPercent == false.


the distance at which the cell will be moved.