Constructs an instance of VerticalLayout with a vertical vGap of 5 pixels, horizontal centering and anchored to the top of the display area.
true if you should be ordered
Constructs a VerticalLayout instance with horizontal centering, anchored to the top with the specified vGap.
An int value indicating the vertical separation of the components
true if the components must be ordered
Constructs a VerticalLayout instance anchored to the top with the specified hGap and horizontal alignment.
An int value indicating the vertical separation of the components
An int value which is one of RIGHT, LEFT, CENTER, BOTH
for the horizontal getAlignment().
true if the components must be ordered
Constructs a VerticalLayout instance with the specified vGap, horizontal getAlignment() and anchoring.
An int value indicating the vertical separation of the components
An int value which is one of RIGHT, LEFT, CENTER, BOTH
for the horizontal getAlignment().
An int value which is one of TOP, BOTTOM, CENTER
indicating where the components are to appear if the display area exceeds the minimum necessary.
true if the components must be ordered