Package-level declarations


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data class ServerState(val simulation: Simulation<Any, Nothing>? = null, val environmentSurrogate: EnvironmentSurrogate<Any, PositionSurrogate> = EnvironmentSurrogate.uninitializedEnvironment()) : CommonState

The state of the server. The ServerState is managed using the Core concepts of the ReduxKotlin library. Like in the original Redux library the state is stored in a single class that contains other objects via composition. The state can be changed using actions that must be defined in advance. The unique store that encapsulate the ServerState is {@link it.unibo.alchemist.server.state.ServerStore}.

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The store of the server. This class uses the core concepts of the original Redux library. Thanks to the singleton pattern, the ServerState can be accessed or edited from anywhere.


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fun rootReducer(state: ServerState, action: Any): ServerState

Root reducer of the server. Uses all the other server reducers.