Package-level declarations


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An object that represents an Empty Concentration.

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data class EnvironmentSurrogate<out TS : Any, out PS : PositionSurrogate>(val dimensions: Int, val nodes: List<NodeSurrogate<TS, PS>>)

Surrogate class for the it.unibo.alchemist.model.Environment interface.

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data class GeneralPositionSurrogate(val coordinates: DoubleArray, val dimensions: Int) : PositionSurrogate

Surrogate class for the it.unibo.alchemist.model.Position interface. This implementation is valid for any type of position.

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data class MoleculeSurrogate(val name: String)

Surrogate class for the Molecule interface.

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Custom serializer to map a molecule to a string, as in JSON non-primitive types aren't allowed in Map key position.

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data class NodeSurrogate<out TS : Any, out PS : PositionSurrogate>(val id: Int, val contents: Map<MoleculeSurrogate, TS>, val position: PS)

Surrogate class for the it.unibo.alchemist.model.Node interface. Note: The position is kept by the Environment in the original structure. To improve performance and reduce the serialized String size, the position was moved to the node.

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data class Position2DSurrogate(val x: Double, val y: Double) : PositionSurrogate

Surrogate class for the it.unibo.alchemist.model.Position2D interface.

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sealed interface PositionSurrogate

Surrogate interface for the it.unibo.alchemist.model.Position interface. Note: by using the sealed keyword any subclass of PositionSurrogate can be serialized and deserialized automatically using a polymorphic serializer.

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Multiplatform enum to use the it.unibo.alchemist.core.Status outside a jvm.