Package-level declarations
A single entry in a MoleculeToConcentrationMap, storing a MoleculeSurrogate and its concentration.
A single entry in a NodeToPosMap, storing a node's id and its position.
A GraphQL compliant representation of a Map storing it.unibo.alchemist.model.Nodes' ids and their position, represented as a PositionSurrogate.
Utility class for PositionSurrogate objects, used for conversion from Position and PositionInput objects.
Utility function that converts a Concentration content of type T to a Json String. If the serialization fails (i.e. the content does not provide a serializer), the string representation of the content is returned.
Converts a Map of Molecules and concentration of type T to a MoleculeToConcentrationMap.
Converts a Map of it.unibo.alchemist.model.Nodes' ids and their position to a NodeToPosMap.