Package-level declarations


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abstract class ChangeTargetOnCollision<T, P : Position<P>>(getCurrentPosition: () -> P) : TargetSelectionStrategy<T, P>

Base class for TargetSelectionStrategy offering automatic target change on collision and utilities for initialization. getCurrentPosition should return the current position of the object to move. P is the position type to use.

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class RandomTarget<T>(environment: Environment<T, Euclidean2DPosition>, getCurrentPosition: () -> Euclidean2DPosition, makePosition: (Double, Double) -> Euclidean2DPosition, directionRng: RandomGenerator, distanceDistribution: RealDistribution) : ChangeTargetOnCollision<T, Euclidean2DPosition>

Selects a target based on a random direction extracted from directionRng, and a random distance extracted from distanceDistribution. getCurrentPosition should return the current position of the object to move. T is the type of the concentration of the node.

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Strategy interface describing how the routing between two points happens.
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Given the current target Position, this strategy interface computes the current Node's speed.
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This interface models a strategy for selecting positions where to move.