
A pedestrian's capability to experience physical forces.



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abstract val comfortArea: Shape<P, A>

The comfort area of this pedestrian, it's a circle of radius Shape.radius + comfortRay.

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abstract val comfortRay: Double

The comfort ray of this pedestrian, this is added to the radius of its Shape to obtain the comfortArea.

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abstract val isFallen: Boolean

Whether the pedestrian has fallen and it is thus an obstacle.

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abstract val node: Node<T>
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abstract val rectangleOfInfluence: Shape<P, A>

Rectangle of influence. When a pedestrian enters this area, the node could experience a tangential avoidance force. See avoid.


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abstract fun avoid(other: Node<T>): P

Computes the repulsion force caused by a node that entered the rectangleOfInfluence. This is derived from the work of Pelechano et al.

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abstract fun avoidanceForces(): List<P>

Computes the total avoidance force this node is subject to.

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abstract fun checkAndPossiblyFall()

Turn this node into a fallen pedestrian if it shouldFall.

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abstract fun cloneOnNewNode(node: Node<T>): NodeProperty<T>
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Computes the avoidance force from a fallen pedestrian.

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abstract fun onFall(listener: (Node<T>) -> Unit)

Adds a listener to be called when node falls.

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abstract fun physicalForces(environment: PhysicsEnvironment<T, P, A, F>): List<P>
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abstract fun repulse(other: Node<T>): P

Computes the repulsion force caused by a node that entered the comfortArea. This is derived from the work of Pelechano et al.

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abstract fun repulsionForces(): List<P>

Computes the total repulsion force this node is subject to.

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abstract fun shouldFall(pushingForces: List<P>): Boolean

Determines if this pedestrian subject to pushingForces should fall. According to the work of Pelechano et al this should happen when the majority of pushing forces affecting one individual are approximately in the same direction and the sum of forces have a magnitude high enough to make it lose equilibrium.