
interface Simulation<T, P : Position<out P>?> : Runnable(source)

This interface forces simulations to be independent threads, and make them controllable from an external console.



Concentration type


Position Type


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abstract fun addOutputMonitor(op: OutputMonitor<T, P>)
Adds an OutputMonitor to this simulation.
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abstract fun getEnvironment(): Environment<T, P>
Allows to access the current environment.
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abstract fun getError(): Optional<Throwable>
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Allows to access a list of all the OutputMonitor currently attached to this simulation.
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abstract fun getStatus(): Status
Allows to access the current status.
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abstract fun getStep(): Long
Allows to access the current simulation step.
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abstract fun getTime(): Time
Allows to know which is the current simulation time.
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abstract fun goToStep(steps: Long): CompletableFuture<Void>
Executes a certain number of steps, then pauses it.
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abstract fun goToTime(t: Time): CompletableFuture<Void>
Executes the simulation until the target time is reached, then pauses it.
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abstract fun neighborAdded(node: Node<T>, n: Node<T>)
This method must get called in case a communication link connecting two nodes gets created during the simulation.
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abstract fun neighborRemoved(node: Node<T>, n: Node<T>)
This method must get called in case a communication link connecting two nodes gets broken during the simulation.
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abstract fun nodeAdded(node: Node<T>)
This method must get called in case a node is added to the environment during the simulation and after its neighborhood has been computed (or can be consistently computed by the simulated environment).
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abstract fun nodeMoved(node: Node<T>)
This method must get called in case a node is moved in the environment during the simulation and after its neighborhood has been computed (or can be consistently computed by the simulated environment).
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abstract fun nodeRemoved(node: Node<T>, oldNeighborhood: Neighborhood<T>)
This method must get called in case a node is removed from the environment during the simulation and after its neighborhood has been computed (or can be consistently computed by the simulated environment).
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abstract fun pause(): CompletableFuture<Void>
Sends a pause command to the simulation.
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abstract fun play(): CompletableFuture<Void>
Sends a play command to the simulation.
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abstract fun reactionAdded(reactionToAdd: Actionable<T>)
Adds a reaction during the simulation to the scheduler and start to execute it.
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abstract fun reactionRemoved(reactionToRemove: Actionable<T>)
Removes a reaction during the simulation from the scheduler and stop to execute it.
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abstract fun removeOutputMonitor(op: OutputMonitor<T, P>)
Removes an OutputMonitor to this simulation.
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abstract fun run()
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abstract fun schedule(r: CheckedRunnable)
Schedules a runnable to be executed by the Simulation thread, useful for synchronization purposes (e.g.
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Sends a terminate command to the simulation.
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abstract fun waitFor(s: Status, timeout: Long, timeunit: TimeUnit): Status
Suspends the caller until the simulation reaches the selected Status or the timeout ends.