
class GraphQLMonitor<T, P : Position<out P>> @JvmOverloads constructor(val environment: Environment<T, P>, val host: String = DefaultGraphQLSettings.DEFAULT_HOST, val port: Int = DefaultGraphQLSettings.DEFAULT_PORT, val teardownOnSimulationTermination: Boolean = true, serverDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Default) : OutputMonitor<Any, Nothing> (source)

An OutputMonitor observing the environment through a GraphQL server listening on host:port. The server is started in a new coroutine on the serverDispatcher dispatcher. By default, the server is stopped after the simulation terminates. This behavior can be changed by setting teardownOnSimulationTermination to false.


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constructor(environment: Environment<T, P>, host: String = DefaultGraphQLSettings.DEFAULT_HOST, port: Int = DefaultGraphQLSettings.DEFAULT_PORT, teardownOnSimulationTermination: Boolean = true, serverDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Default)


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val port: Int


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open override fun finished(environment: Environment<Any, Nothing>, time: Time, step: Long)
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open override fun initialized(environment: Environment<Any, Nothing>)
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open fun stepDone(p0: Environment<Any, Nothing>, p1: Actionable<Any>?, p2: Time, p3: Long)