open class GenericNode<T> @JvmOverloads constructor(val incarnation: Incarnation<T, *>, val environment: Environment<T, *>, val id: Int = idFromEnv(environment), val reactions: MutableList<Reaction<T>> = ArrayList(), val molecules: MutableMap<Molecule, T> = LinkedHashMap(), val properties: MutableList<NodeProperty<T>> = ArrayList()) : Node<T> (source)
This class realizes an abstract node. You may extend it to realize your own nodes.
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constructor(incarnation: Incarnation<T, *>, environment: Environment<T, *>, id: Int = idFromEnv(environment), reactions: MutableList<Reaction<T>> = ArrayList(), molecules: MutableMap<Molecule, T> = LinkedHashMap(), properties: MutableList<NodeProperty<T>> = ArrayList())
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Returns a random element of the Iterable using the provided randomGenerator.
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Fisher–Yates shuffle algorithm using a RandomGenerator. More information on Wikipedia.
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Returns the reactions.