
class ChangeBiomolConcentrationInNeighbor(randomGenerator: RandomGenerator, environment: Environment<Double, *>, node: Node<Double>, val molecule: Biomolecule, val deltaConcentration: Double) : AbstractNeighborAction<Double> (source)

Changes the concentration of a Biomolecule (molecule) in a randomly-selected compatible neighbor cell by deltaConcentration.


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constructor(randomGenerator: RandomGenerator, environment: Environment<Double, *>, node: Node<Double>, molecule: Biomolecule, deltaConcentration: Double)


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open override fun execute()

Execute the action on a random neighbor if the node has a neighborhood. Otherwise do nothing.

open override fun execute(targetNode: Node<Double>)

Execute the action on the given target node. NOTE, it is NOT guaranteed that this method checks if the target node is in the actual neighborhood of the node.

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override fun getContext(): Context
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override fun getOutboundDependencies(): ListSet<out Dependency>
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open override fun toString(): String