
class CameraSee @JvmOverloads constructor(node: Node<Any>, environment: Physics2DEnvironment<Any>, val distance: Double, val angle: Double, outputMolecule: Molecule = SimpleMolecule("vision"), filterByMolecule: Molecule? = null) : AbstractAction<Any> (source)

Checks nodes in the environment and writes in outputMolecule the list of it.unibo.alchemist.model.VisibleNode, containing filterByMolecule. distance and angle define the field of view.


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constructor(node: Node<Any>, environment: Physics2DEnvironment<Any>, distance: Double, angle: Double, outputMolecule: Molecule = SimpleMolecule("vision"), filterByMolecule: Molecule? = null)


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Angle in degrees of the field of view.

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Distance of the field of view.


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open override fun cloneAction(node: Node<Any>, reaction: Reaction<Any>): CameraSee
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open override fun execute()
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open override fun getContext(): Context
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override fun getOutboundDependencies(): ListSet<out Dependency>
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open override fun toString(): String