
An environment which provides a mean to get infos about its performances.



Concentration type



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abstract fun addGlobalReaction(reaction: GlobalReaction<T>)
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abstract fun addLayer(m: Molecule, l: Layer<T, P>)
Add a Layer to the Environment.
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abstract fun addNode(node: Node<T>, p: P): Boolean
This method allows to add a new node to this environment.
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abstract fun addTerminator(terminator: Predicate<Environment<T, P>>)
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abstract fun enableBenchmark()
Call this method to tell this environment that it should record its performances.
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open fun forEach(p: Consumer<in T>)
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abstract fun getBenchmarkResult(): Double
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abstract fun getDimensions(): Int
The number of dimensions of this environment.
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abstract fun getDistanceBetweenNodes(n1: Node<T>, n2: Node<T>): Double
Measures the distance between two nodes in the environment.
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abstract fun getIncarnation(): Incarnation<T, P>
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abstract fun getLayer(m: Molecule): Optional<Layer<T, P>>
Get the layer associate to the given molecule.
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abstract fun getLayers(): ListSet<Layer<T, P>>
Return all the Layers in this Environment.
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abstract fun getLinkingRule(): LinkingRule<T, P>
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abstract fun getNeighborhood(center: Node<T>): Neighborhood<T>
Given a node, this method returns its neighborhood.
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abstract fun getNodeByID(id: Int): Node<T>
Allows to access a node known its id.
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abstract fun getNodeCount(): Int
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abstract fun getNodes(): ListSet<Node<T>>
All the nodes that exist in current environment.
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abstract fun getNodesWithinRange(center: P, range: Double): ListSet<Node<T>>
Given a Position(center) this method returns a list of all the surroundings nodes within the given range.
abstract fun getNodesWithinRange(center: Node<T>, range: Double): ListSet<Node<T>>
Given a node (center) this method returns a list of all the surroundings nodes within the given range.
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abstract fun getOffset(): Array<Double>
This method allows to know which are the smallest coordinates represented.
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abstract fun getPosition(node: Node<T>): P
Calculates the position of a node.
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abstract fun getSimulation(): Simulation<T, P>
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abstract fun getSize(): Array<Double>
This method returns the size of the environment as an array of length getDimensions.
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This method returns the size of the environment as an array of length getDimensions.
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abstract fun isTerminated(): Boolean
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abstract fun iterator(): Iterator<T>
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abstract fun makePosition(coordinates: Array<Number>): P
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abstract fun moveNodeToPosition(@Nonnull node: Node<T>, @Nonnull position: P)
This method moves a node in the environment to some position.
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abstract fun removeGlobalReaction(reaction: GlobalReaction<T>)
Remove a GlobalReaction from the Environment.
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abstract fun removeNode(node: Node<T>)
This method allows to remove a node.
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abstract fun setLinkingRule(rule: LinkingRule<T, P>)
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abstract fun setSimulation(s: Simulation<T, P>)
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