class Perceptive2D<T> @JvmOverloads constructor(val environment: Physics2DEnvironment<T>, val node: Node<T>, val fieldOfView: InfluenceSphere2D<T> = FieldOfView2D(environment, node, DEFAULT_FIELD_OF_VIEW_DEPTH, DEFAULT_FIELD_OF_VIEW_APERTURE)) : PerceptiveProperty<T> (source)
Base implementation of a pedestrian's capability to influence each other in a 2D space.
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constructor(environment: Physics2DEnvironment<T>, node: Node<T>, fieldOfView: InfluenceSphere2D<T> = FieldOfView2D(environment, node, DEFAULT_FIELD_OF_VIEW_DEPTH, DEFAULT_FIELD_OF_VIEW_APERTURE))
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The environment where node is moving.
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The field of view of the pedestrian.
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The list of influence spheres belonging to this pedestrian (by default, only its fieldOfView).