


position type


concentration type


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constructor(radius: Double, minrange: Double, maxrange: Double, desiredNeighborsCount: Int, tolerance: Int)
constructor(radius: Double, minrange: Double, maxrange: Double, desiredNeighborsCount: Int, tolerance: Int, adjustment: Double)
constructor(radius: Double, minrange: Double, maxrange: Double, desiredNeighborsCount: Int, tolerance: Int, adjustment: Double, molType: String)
constructor(radius: Double, minrange: Double, desiredNeighborsCount: Int, tolerance: Int)
constructor(radius: Double, minrange: Double, desiredNeighborsCount: Int, tolerance: Int, adjustment: Double)
constructor(radius: Double, desiredNeighborsCount: Int, tolerance: Int)
constructor(radius: Double, desiredNeighborsCount: Int, tolerance: Int, adjustment: Double)
constructor(radius: Double, desiredNeighborsCount: Int, tolerance: Int, molType: String)


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val DEFAULT_MOLECULETYPE: String = "infrastructure"
The default filter molecule.


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open fun toString(): String