
data class CircularArc<P : Position2D<P>> @JvmOverloads constructor(val environment: Environment<*, P>, val randomGenerator: RandomGenerator, val nodeCount: Int, val centerX: Double = 0.0, val centerY: Double = 0.0, val radius: Double = 1.0, val radiusRandomness: Double = 0.0, val angleRandomness: Double = 0.0, val startAngle: Double = 0.0, val endAngle: Double = 2 * PI) : Deployment<P> (source)

Displaces the nodes in the environment in a circular arc, given a nodeCount, the coordinates of the circle's center centerX and centerY, the circle's radius radius, perturbation randomness (uniform, generated via randomGenerator) for radius radiusRandomness and for angle angleRandomness, a startAngle, and an endAngle.

Default values generate a uniform deployment on a circumference.


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constructor(environment: Environment<*, P>, randomGenerator: RandomGenerator, nodeCount: Int, centerX: Double = 0.0, centerY: Double = 0.0, radius: Double = 1.0, radiusRandomness: Double = 0.0, angleRandomness: Double = 0.0, startAngle: Double = 0.0, endAngle: Double = 2 * PI)


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val centerX: Double = 0.0
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val centerY: Double = 0.0
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val radius: Double = 1.0
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val randomGenerator: RandomGenerator
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val startAngle: Double = 0.0


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open fun <T : Any> getAssociatedLinkingRule(): LinkingRule<T, P>?

Optional LinkingRule associated to the deployment.

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open operator override fun iterator(): MutableIterator<P>
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open override fun stream(): Stream<P>