
Utilities for GraphHopper routing.


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All the available Profiles in the runtime.

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All the available Profiles in the runtime.

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Default GraphHopperOptions: foot as vehicle, fastest as weighting, and dijkstrabi as algorithm.

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All the non-abstract subclasses of RoutingAlgorithm available in the runtime.


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fun optionsFor(profile: String = "foot", algorithm: String = DIJKSTRA_BI): GraphHopperOptions

Retrieves or creates the set of options for the required profile (default: foot_fastest) and algorithm (default: dijstrabi).

fun optionsFor(vehicle: String = "foot", weighting: String = "fastest", algorithm: String = DIJKSTRA_BI): GraphHopperOptions

Retrieves or creates the set of options for the required vehicle (default: foot), weighting (default: fastest), and algorithm (default: dijstrabi).