
interface Wormhole2D<P : Position2D<out P>?>

A Wormhole (in this context) is an entity that "connects" two worlds: the "environment" and the "view". Above all it provides services to convert coordinates from the "environment-space" to the "view-space". IWormhole2D is the type of a wormhole whose both environment and view are bi-dimensional spaces. Terminology: - "Environment" is the 'rectangle' we need to render ON the view. - "View" is a 'window' that let us see the environment. - "Environment-space" is the algebraic space on which 'lies' the environment. - "View-space" is the algebraic space on which 'lies' the view. - "Env" before a point's name => it refers to a point into the environment-space. - "View" before a point's name => it refers to a point into the view-space. - "Position" is the point of the view-space every transformation applied to the environment refers to: e.g. if I want to move the environment, I have to change the position; it is also the point the environment rotates around. - "EnvOffset" is the vector from (0; 0) into env-space to the left-bottom corner of the part of the environment we want to render. E.g. if I am representing a map with Earth-coordinates (16; 48), the intersection between the prime meridian and the equator is (0; 0), so I have to set the envOffset to (16; 48) in order to see the "beginning" of the map on the left-bottom corner of the view.



position type



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enum Mode
Wormhole mode.


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abstract fun center()
Points the center of the view on the center of the environment.
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abstract fun getEnvPoint(viewPoint: Point): P
Converts a point from the view-space to the env-space.
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abstract fun getMode(): Wormhole2D.Mode
Gets the rendering mode.
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abstract fun getViewPoint(envPoint: P): Point
Converts a point from the env-space to the view-space.
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abstract fun getViewPosition(): Point
Gets the Position.
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abstract fun getViewSize(): Dimension2D
Gets the view's size.
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abstract fun getZoom(): Double
Gets the zoom factor.
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abstract fun isInsideView(viewPoint: Point): Boolean
Check if a point of the view-space is "visible", i.e.
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abstract fun optimalZoom()
Automatically sets the zoom rate in order to make the environment entirely visible on the view.
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abstract fun rotateAroundPoint(p: Point, a: Double)
Rotates around a point into the view-space.
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abstract fun setEnvPosition(envPoint: P)
Sets the position to the view-point corresponding to envPoint.
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abstract fun setRotation(rad: Double)
Rotates the environment around the Position.
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abstract fun setViewPosition(viewPoint: Point)
Sets the Position to viewPoint.
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abstract fun setZoom(value: Double)
Changes the zoom factor.
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abstract fun zoomOnPoint(p: Point, z: Double)
Zooms on a point into the view-space.