
class MultiVestaExporter<T, P : Position<P>>(val interval: Double = DEFAULT_INTERVAL) : AbstractExporter<T, P>

Save all available information in a static map.



the sampling time, defaults to AbstractExporter.DEFAULT_INTERVAL.


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constructor(interval: Double = DEFAULT_INTERVAL)


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object Companion

Utilities for the MultiVesta exporter.


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lateinit override var dataExtractors: List<Extractor<*>>

The List of Extractor used to export simulations data.

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override fun bindDataExtractors(dataExtractors: List<Extractor<*>>)

Assign the list of dataExtractors to the selected Exporter.

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override fun bindVariables(variables: Map<String, *>)

Assign the map of variables to the selected Exporter.

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open override fun close(environment: Environment<T, P>, time: Time, step: Long)

Close the export environment. This method is called when the simulation finishes.

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open override fun exportData(environment: Environment<T, P>, reaction: Actionable<T>?, time: Time, step: Long)

Delegates the concrete implementation of this method to his subclasses.

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open override fun setup(environment: Environment<T, P>)

Prepare the export environment. This method is called only once upon simulation initialization.

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override fun update(environment: Environment<T, P>, reaction: Actionable<T>?, time: Time, step: Long)

Every step of the simulation check if is time to export data depending on the sampling interval. Converts the division of the current time and the interval to Long in order to export data only when the difference between steps is as big as the sampling interval.