
class CameraInjectVisibleNodeClosestToDistance(node: Node<Any>, environment: Physics2DEnvironment<Any>, distance: Double, visionMolecule: Molecule, targetMolecule: Molecule) : AbstractAction<Any>

Given a list of VisibleNode associated to visionMolecule, it finds the closest to a point located at distance from node in the direction of node's heading, and injects its position in targetMolecule.

If there are no VisibleNodes, targetMolecule will be removed from node.


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constructor(node: Node<Any>, environment: Physics2DEnvironment<Any>, distance: Double, visionMolecule: Molecule, targetMolecule: Molecule)


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This method allows to clone this action on a new node. It may result useful to support runtime creation of nodes with the same reaction programming, e.g. for morphogenesis.

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open override fun execute()

Effectively executes this action.

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open override fun getContext(): Context
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override fun getOutboundDependencies(): ListSet
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open override fun toString(): String