
Represents a junction between two cells.


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constructor(name: String, moleculesInCurrentNode: Map<Biomolecule, Double>, moleculesInNeighborNode: Map<Biomolecule, Double>)
Build a junction.
constructor(toClone: Junction)
Builds a junction from another junction.


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Declares a dependency towards any modified molecule in the reachable scope.
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Declares a dependency towards any other reaction in the reachable scope.
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Declares a dependency on movement of nodes in the reachable scope.


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open fun dependsOn(mol: Dependency): Boolean
Determines whether this dependency depends on the provided dependency.
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open fun equals(obj: Any): Boolean
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open fun hashCode(): Int
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open fun makesDependent(dependency: Dependency): Boolean
Determines whether the provided dependency depends on this dependency.
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open fun reverse(): Junction
Return the reversed junction of the current junction.
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open fun toString(): String