
open class ReachDestination<T, L : Euclidean2DConvexShape, R>(action: NavigationAction2D<T, L, R, ConvexPolygon, Euclidean2DPassage>, knownDestinations: List<Euclidean2DPosition>, unknownDestinations: List<Euclidean2DPosition> = emptyList()) : GoalOrientedExploration<T, L, R>

A NavigationStrategy allowing to reach a (static) destination. The client can specify a list of knownDestinations (see Pursue) and unknownDestinations (see GoalOrientedExploration). The pedestrian will try to reach the closest known destination for which a valid path leading there is known, but in case another destination is found along the way (either known or unknown), the latter will be approached instead of the chosen known destination. To put it in another way, this behavior mixes ReachKnownDestination and GoalOrientedExploration.



the concentration type.


the type of landmarks of the pedestrian's cognitive map.


the type of edges of the pedestrian's cognitive map, representing the Relations between landmarks.


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constructor(action: NavigationAction2D<T, L, R, ConvexPolygon, Euclidean2DPassage>, knownDestinations: List<Euclidean2DPosition>, unknownDestinations: List<Euclidean2DPosition> = emptyList())


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The NavigationAction used to navigate the environment.


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open override fun inNewRoom(newRoom: ConvexPolygon): <Error class: unknown class>

This is called whenever the node enters a new room.

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open fun inUnexpectedNewRoom(previousRoom: ConvexPolygon, expectedNewRoom: ConvexPolygon, actualNewRoom: ConvexPolygon)

This is called in place of inNewRoom when the node ends up in an unexpected room while moving. By default, unexpected rooms are treated just like expected ones.