
interface Vector<S : Vector<S>>

A generic vector in a multidimensional space.



self type to prevent vector operations between vectors of different spaces.



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abstract val coordinates: DoubleArray

Coordinates for a Cartesian space. Implementors must guarantee that internal state is not exposed.

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abstract val dimensions: Int

The dimensions of the space this vector belongs to.

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open val magnitude: <Error class: unknown class>

Finds the magnitude of a vector.

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open val zero: S



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open fun angleBetween(other: S): Double

Computes the angle in radians between two vectors.

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open fun coerceAtLeast(minimumMagnitude: Double): S
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open fun coerceAtMost(maximumMagnitude: Double): S
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open fun coerceIn(minimumMagnitude: Double, maximumMagnitude: Double): S

Performs a coercion at least and at most.

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abstract fun distanceTo(other: S): Double

Computes the distance between two vectors, interpreted as points in an Euclidean space. Throws IllegalArgumentException if vectors have different dimensions.

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open operator fun div(other: Double): S

Division by a Double.

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open fun dot(other: S): Double

Computes the dot product between two vectors.

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abstract fun fromCoordinates(coordinates: DoubleArray): S

Builds a new Vector from the provided coordinates.

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abstract operator fun get(dim: Int): Double

The coordinate of this vector in the specified dimension relatively to the basis its space is described with.

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abstract operator fun minus(other: S): S

Support for subtraction. Note: the dimensions must coincide.

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abstract fun normal(): S

Find the normal of a vector.

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abstract fun normalized(): S
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abstract operator fun plus(other: S): S

Support for sum. Note: the dimensions must coincide.

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open fun resized(newLen: Double): S
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abstract operator fun times(other: Double): S

Multiplication by a Double.