Offset Graph Stream Linking Rule
class OffsetGraphStreamLinkingRule<T, P : Position<P>>(val offset: Int, val graph: <Error class: unknown class>) : LinkingRule<T, P>
A LinkingRule that statically connects nodes as they were configured by GraphStream. An offset is used to determine the id of the environment's nodes when compared to the one of the provided graph.
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open override fun computeNeighborhood(center: Node<T>, environment: Environment<T, P>): Neighborhood<T>
Produces a new neighborhood for specified node considering its position.
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Some rules may require to be evaluated against multiple nodes until the situations gets consistent. For instance, a rule that connects the closest 10 nodes must be evaluated multiple times to get to the correct result (this is because a change in one neighbor may require a disconnection from another node to maintain exactly 10 connections).