
This rule connects nodes that are within maxRange distance, but only if there are not too many obstacles separating their line of sight. The base idea is that line-of-sight distance and routing distance should not differ "too much", as captured by tolerance. tolerance measures the maximum allowed relative difference between the line-of-sight and the route distance. It's default 0.1 (10%) means that if LOS-distance is more than 10% shorter than route-distance, then the nodes are considered disconnected. Route distance is taken two-ways (to account for one-way roads) and the shortest one is considered (wireless signals do not need to follow one-way roads).


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constructor(maxRange: Double, tolerance: Double = 0.1)


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val tolerance: Double = 0.1


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open override fun computeNeighborhood(center: Node<T>, environment: Environment<T, GeoPosition>): Neighborhood<T>

Produces a new neighborhood for specified node considering its position.

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Some rules may require to be evaluated against multiple nodes until the situations gets consistent. For instance, a rule that connects the closest 10 nodes must be evaluated multiple times to get to the correct result (this is because a change in one neighbor may require a disconnection from another node to maintain exactly 10 connections).

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open override fun toString(): String