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abstract fun addTime(t: Time): GPSPoint
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abstract fun boundingBox(range: Double): List<P>

Given a range, produces N coordinates, representing the N opposite vertices of the hypercube having the current coordinate as center and circumscribing the N-sphere defined by the range. In the case of two dimensional coordinates, it must return the opposite vertices of the square circumscribing the circle with center in this position and radius range.

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abstract fun compareTo(p: T): Int
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abstract fun distanceTo(other: P): Double

Computes the distance between this position and another compatible position.

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abstract fun getCoordinate(dimension: Int): Double
Allows to access the value of a coordinate.
abstract fun getCoordinate(dimension: Int): Double

Allows to access the value of a coordinate.

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abstract fun getCoordinates(): Array<Double>

Allows to get the position as a Number array.

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abstract fun getDimensions(): Int
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abstract fun getLatitude(): Double
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abstract fun getLongitude(): Double
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abstract fun getTime(): Time
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abstract fun getX(): Double
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abstract fun getY(): Double
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abstract fun minus(other: GeoPosition): GeoPosition
Subtracts the provided GeoPosition from this GeoPosition.
abstract fun minus(other: Array<Double>): P

Considers both positions as vectors, and returns the difference between this position and the passed one.

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abstract fun plus(other: GeoPosition): GeoPosition
Adds two GeoPosition.
abstract fun plus(other: Array<Double>): P

Considers both positions as vectors, and sums them.

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abstract fun subtractTime(t: Time): GPSPoint