
class PhysicsUpdate<T>(val environment: Dynamics2DEnvironment<T>, val timeDistribution: TimeDistribution<T>) : GlobalReaction<T>

A global Reaction responsible for updating the physics of an Dynamics2DEnvironment.


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constructor(environment: Dynamics2DEnvironment<T>, updateRate: Double = 30.0)
constructor(environment: Dynamics2DEnvironment<T>, timeDistribution: TimeDistribution<T>)


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open override var actions: List<Action<T>>

The list of Actions of the Reaction. Please be careful when you modify this list.

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open override var conditions: List<Condition<T>>

The list of Conditions of the Reaction. Please be careful when you modify this list.

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The environment to update.

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open override val inboundDependencies: <Error class: unknown class><out Dependency>
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open override val outboundDependencies: <Error class: unknown class><out Dependency>
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open override val rate: Double

Returns the speed of this Reaction. It is an average number, and can potentially change during the simulation, depending on the implementation.

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open override val tau: Time
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open override val timeDistribution: TimeDistribution<T>


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open override fun canExecute(): Boolean
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open operator override fun compareTo(other: Actionable<T>): Int
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open override fun execute()

Executes the reactions.

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open override fun initializationComplete(atTime: Time, environment: Environment<T, *>)

This method is called when the environment has completed its initialization. Can be used by this reaction to compute its next execution time - in case such computation requires an inspection of the environment.

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open override fun update(currentTime: Time, hasBeenExecuted: Boolean, environment: Environment<T, *>)

Updates the scheduling of this reaction.