
interface ILsaNode : Node<T>

Interface for an LSA Node. Avoids the crappy casts.



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Utilities for Nodes.


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abstract fun addProperty(nodeProperty: NodeProperty<T>)

Adds a capability to the node.

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abstract fun addReaction(reactionToAdd: Reaction<T>)

Adds a reaction to this node. The reaction is added only in the node, but not in the it.unibo.alchemist.core.Simulation scheduler, so it will never be executed. To add the reaction also in the scheduler (and start to execute it), you have to call also the method it.unibo.alchemist.core.Simulation.reactionAdded.

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open fun <C : NodeProperty<T>?> asProperty(superType: KClass<C>): C

returns a NodeProperty of the provided superType.

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inline fun <T, C : NodeProperty<T>> Node<T>.asProperty(): C

returns a NodeProperty of the provided type C.

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open fun <C : NodeProperty<T>?> asPropertyOrNull(superType: Class<in C>): C

returns a NodeProperty of the provided superType.

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inline fun <T, C : NodeProperty<T>> Node<T>.asPropertyOrNull(): C?

returns a NodeProperty of the provided type C or null if the node does not have a compatible property.

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abstract fun cloneNode(currentTime: Time): Node<T>

Creates a new Node which is a clone of the current Node. The new Node will have all the current Node's properties, such as reactions and molecules, but it will also have a different ID.

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abstract fun compareTo(p: T): Int
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abstract fun contains(molecule: Molecule): Boolean

Tests whether a node contains a Molecule.

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abstract fun equals(other: Any): Boolean
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open fun forEach(p: Consumer<in T>)
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Calculates the concentration of a molecule.
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abstract fun getContents(): Map<Molecule, T>
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abstract fun getId(): Int
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abstract fun getLsaSpace(): List<ILsaMolecule>
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abstract fun getMoleculeCount(): Int
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abstract fun getProperties(): List<NodeProperty<T>>
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abstract fun getReactions(): List<Reaction<T>>

This method allows to access all the reaction of the node.

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abstract fun hashCode(): Int
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abstract fun iterator(): Iterator<T>
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fun <R> Iterable<R>.randomElement(randomGenerator: <Error class: unknown class>): R

Returns a random element of the Iterable using the provided randomGenerator.

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abstract fun removeConcentration(moleculeToRemove: Molecule)

abstract fun removeConcentration(matchedInstance: ILsaMolecule): Boolean
Deletes an ILsaMolecule from the Node LsaSpace Warning: the method removes only the first matched ILsaMolecule.
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abstract fun removeReaction(reactionToRemove: Reaction<T>)

Removes a reaction from this node. The reaction is removed only in the node, but not in the it.unibo.alchemist.core.Simulation scheduler, so the scheduler will continue to execute the reaction. To remove the reaction also in the scheduler (and stop to execute it), you have to call also the method it.unibo.alchemist.core.Simulation.reactionRemoved.

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abstract fun setConcentration(molecule: Molecule, concentration: T)

Sets the concentration of mol to c.

abstract fun setConcentration(inst: ILsaMolecule)
Adds an instance of ILsaMolecule in the node's LsaSpace.
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fun <R> Iterable<R>.shuffled(randomGenerator: <Error class: unknown class>): Iterable<R>

Fisher–Yates shuffle algorithm using a RandomGenerator. More information on Wikipedia.

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fun <T, P : Position<out P>, TS : Any, PS : PositionSurrogate> Node<T>.toNodeSurrogate(environment: Environment<T, P>, toConcentrationSurrogate: (T) -> TS, toPositionSurrogate: (P) -> PS): NodeSurrogate<TS, PS>