
An Action that executes a Protelis program.

Requires the current randomGenerator and environment, a valid ProtelisDevice (device), and the local reaction hosting the computation.

The program can be created using a String (originalProgram), or, alternatively, by providing a ProtelisProgram (program).

retentionTime specifies whether, upon message usage, the received messages should be deleted (assuming a reasonable synchronization among devices) or if they should remain in memory for a specified amount of time. By default, retentionTime is Double.NaN, indicating that messages are deleted upon read.

It is possible to sumulate the loss of messages due to a higher connection distance by providing a RealDistribution (packetLossDistance) mapping distances to the loss probability. By default this feature is disabled.


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constructor(randomGenerator: <Error class: unknown class>, environment: Environment<Any, P>, device: ProtelisDevice<P>, reaction: Reaction<Any>, program: <Error class: unknown class>, retentionTime: Double = Double.NaN)
constructor(randomGenerator: <Error class: unknown class>, environment: Environment<Any, P>, device: ProtelisDevice<P>, reaction: Reaction<Any>, program: <Error class: unknown class>, retentionTime: Double = Double.NaN, packetLossDistributionName: String, vararg packetLossDistributionParameters: Double)
constructor(randomGenerator: <Error class: unknown class>, environment: Environment<Any, P>, device: ProtelisDevice<P>, reaction: Reaction<Any>, program: String, retentionTime: Double = Double.NaN)
constructor(randomGenerator: <Error class: unknown class>, environment: Environment<Any, P>, device: ProtelisDevice<P>, reaction: Reaction<Any>, program: String, retentionTime: Double = Double.NaN, packetLossDistributionName: String, vararg packetLossDistributionParameters: Double)


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Provides an access to the underlying org.protelis.vm.ExecutionContext.

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val node: Node<Any>

The Alchemist Node hosting the ProtelisDevice.

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val packetLossDistance: <Error class: unknown class>?
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val program: <Error class: unknown class>
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val randomGenerator: <Error class: unknown class>
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open override fun cloneAction(node: Node<Any>, reaction: Reaction<Any>): RunProtelisProgram<P>

This method allows to clone this action on a new node. It may result useful to support runtime creation of nodes with the same reaction programming, e.g. for morphogenesis.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun execute()

Effectively executes this action.

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open override fun getContext(): Context
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open override fun getOutboundDependencies(): <Error class: unknown class><Dependency>
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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Resets the computation status (used for dependency management).

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open override fun toString(): String