open class Grid @JvmOverloads constructor(environment: Environment<*, *>, randomGenerator: RandomGenerator, xStart: Double, yStart: Double, xEnd: Double, yEnd: Double, xStep: Double, yStep: Double, xRand: Double = 0.0, yRand: Double = 0.0, xShift: Double = 0.0, yShift: Double = 0.0) : Deployment<Position<*>>
A (possibly randomized) grid of nodes.
the {@link Environment}
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random Generator
the {@link RandomGenerator}
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x Start
the start x position
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y Start
the start y position
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x End
the end x position
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y End
the end y position
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x Step
how distant on the x axis (on average) nodes should be
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y Step
how distant on the y axis (on average) nodes should be
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x Rand
how randomized should be positions along the x axis
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y Rand
how randomized should be positions along the y axis
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x Shift
how shifted should be positions between lines
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y Shift
how shifted should be positions along columns
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Link copied to clipboard
Optional LinkingRule associated to the deployment.
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