Navigation Graph
A graph used for navigation purposes. Nodes are ConvexShapes, usually representing portions of an environment which are traversable by agents (the advantage of such representation is that agents can freely walk around within a convex area, as it is guaranteed that no obstacle will be found). Note that implementations of this graph must guarantee predictable ordering for the collections they maintain, as reproducibility is a key feature of Alchemist. Be also aware that, by contract, the org.jgrapht.Graph interface does not allow duplicated edges (see org.jgrapht.Graph.addEdge).
the Vector type for the space this graph describes.
the transformations supported by shapes in this space.
the type of nodes (or vertices).
the type of edges.
Checks whether a path exists between source and sink. DijkstraShortestPath is used instead of org.jgrapht.alg.connectivity.ConnectivityInspector.pathExists, because, in case of directed graph, the latter checks whether the given vertices lay in the same weakly connected component, which is not the desired behavior. As unweighted graphs have a default edge weight of 1.0, shortest path algorithms can always be applied meaningfully.