Package-level declarations


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This linking rule dynamically searches for the best radius for each device, in such a way that it connects to a certain number of devices.
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open class ClosestN<T, P : Position<P>?> : LinkingRule<T, P>
Non local-consistent rule that connect the closest N nodes together.
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class CombinedLinkingRule<T, P : Position<P>>(val subRules: List<LinkingRule<T, P>>) : LinkingRule<T, P>

A meta-rule that combines multiple subRules. If any mandates a link, such link is created (union of all links).

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A ClosestN rule that also checks that a Molecule has a specific concentration before allowing the connection.
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Connects two nodes if, throwing a beam from one to the other, there exists at least one path entirely inside the beam that connects the two nodes.
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class ConnectToAccessPoint<T, P : Position<P>>(radius: Double, val accessPointId: Molecule) : ConnectWithinDistance<T, P>
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class ConnectViaAccessPoint<T, P : Position<P>>(radius: Double, val accessPointId: Molecule) : ConnectWithinDistance<T, P>
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LinkingRule which connects nodes whose euclidean distance is shorter than a given radius.
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This rule connects each and every node to each and every other.

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This rule guarantees that no links are created at all.
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Similar to ConnectWithinDistance, but if the environment has obstacles, the links are removed.
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class OffsetGraphStreamLinkingRule<T, P : Position<P>>(val offset: Int, val graph: Graph) : LinkingRule<T, P>

A LinkingRule that statically connects nodes as they were configured by GraphStream. An offset is used to determine the id of the environment's nodes when compared to the one of the provided graph.