
open class Circle<P : Position2D<P>?> : Abstract2DShape<P>

A circle.



Position type


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constructor(centerx: Double, centery: Double, radius: Double)


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open fun and(p: Predicate<in T>): Predicate<T>
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abstract fun contains(position: P): Boolean

Checks if the position is inside the shape.

fun contains(position: P): Boolean
Checks if the position is inside the shape.
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open fun invoke(position: P): Boolean

Checks if the position is inside the shape.

abstract fun invoke(p: P1): R
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open fun <T> isEqual(p: Any): Predicate<T>
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open fun negate(): Predicate<T>
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open fun <T> not(p: Predicate<in T>): Predicate<T>
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open fun or(p: Predicate<in T>): Predicate<T>
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open fun test(position: P): Boolean

Checks if the position is inside the shape.

abstract fun test(p: T): Boolean
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open fun toString(): String