
open class RandomDiracComb<T> : DiracComb<T>

A DiracComb whose rate is determined (uniformly) randomly within the provided bounds.



concentration type


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constructor(rng: RandomGenerator, start: Time, minRate: Double, maxRate: Double)
constructor(rng: RandomGenerator, minRate: Double, maxRate: Double)


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abstract fun cloneOnNewNode(p: Node<T>, p1: Time): TimeDistribution<T>
abstract fun cloneOnNewNode(@Nonnull destination: Node<T>, @Nonnull currentTime: Time): AbstractDistribution<T>
fun cloneOnNewNode(@Nonnull destination: Node<T>, @Nonnull currentTime: Time): DiracComb<T>
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abstract fun getRate(): Double
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open fun toString(): String
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abstract fun update(p: Time, p1: Boolean, p2: Double, p3: Environment<T, out Any>)
fun update(@Nonnull currentTime: Time, hasBeenExecuted: Boolean, additionalParameter: Double, @Nonnull environment: Environment<T, out Any>)