
An Euclidean space, where Positions P are valid Vectors, supporting any concentration type T.



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open val origin: P

Create a position corresponding to the origin of this environment.


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abstract fun addGlobalReaction(reaction: GlobalReaction<T>)
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abstract fun addLayer(m: Molecule, l: Layer<T, P>)

Add a Layer to the Environment.

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abstract fun addNode(node: Node<T>, p: P): Boolean

This method allows to add a new node to this environment. The environment is responsible to call the right method of the simulation in order to ensure that the reaction is properly scheduled.

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abstract fun addTerminator(terminator: Predicate<Environment<T, P>>)
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abstract fun getDimensions(): Int

The number of dimensions of this environment.

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abstract fun getDistanceBetweenNodes(n1: Node<T>, n2: Node<T>): Double

Measures the distance between two nodes in the environment.

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abstract fun getGlobalReactions(): ListSet<GlobalReaction<T>>
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abstract fun getIncarnation(): Incarnation<T, P>
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abstract fun getLayer(m: Molecule): Optional<Layer<T, P>>

Get the layer associate to the given molecule. If no Layer is associated with the given molecule, return an empty optional.

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abstract fun getLayers(): ListSet<Layer<T, P>>

Return all the Layers in this Environment.

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abstract fun getLinkingRule(): LinkingRule<T, P>
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abstract fun getNeighborhood(center: Node<T>): Neighborhood<T>

Given a node, this method returns its neighborhood.

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abstract fun getNodeByID(id: Int): Node<T>

Allows to access a node known its id. Depending on the implementation, this method may or not be optimized (namely, id could run in constant or linear time with the number of nodes).

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abstract fun getNodeCount(): Int
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abstract fun getNodes(): ListSet<Node<T>>

All the nodes that exist in current environment.

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abstract fun getNodesWithinRange(center: P, range: Double): ListSet<Node<T>>

Given a Position(center) this method returns a list of all the surroundings nodes within the given range. Note that this method (depending on the implementation) might be not optimized.

abstract fun getNodesWithinRange(center: Node<T>, range: Double): ListSet<Node<T>>

Given a node (center) this method returns a list of all the surroundings nodes within the given range. Note that this method (depending on the implementation) might be not optimized and it's consequently much better to use getNeighborhood and filter the neighborhood if you are sure that all the nodes within the range are connected to the center.

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abstract fun getOffset(): DoubleArray

This method allows to know which are the smallest coordinates represented.

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abstract fun getPosition(node: Node<T>): P

Calculates the position of a node.

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abstract fun getSimulation(): Simulation<T, P>
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abstract fun getSize(): DoubleArray

This method returns the size of the environment as an array of length getDimensions. This method must return distance measured with the same unit used by the positions. No non-euclidean distance metrics are allowed.

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This method returns the size of the environment as an array of length getDimensions. This method must return distance measured with the same unit used for measuring distances. It may or may not return the same result of getSize

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abstract fun isTerminated(): Boolean
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abstract operator override fun iterator(): MutableIterator<Node<T>>
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abstract fun makePosition(vararg coordinates: Number): P

abstract fun makePosition(vararg coordinates: Double): P

Creates a Position compatible with this environment given its coordinates.

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open fun moveNode(node: Node<T>, direction: P)

This method moves a node in the environment toward some direction. If node move is unsupported, it does nothing. Subclasses may override this method if they want to change the way a node moves towards some direction. The current implementation internally calls {@link #moveNodeToPosition(Node, Position2D)}, as such, overriding that method may suffice.

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abstract fun moveNodeToPosition(@Nonnull node: Node<T>, @Nonnull position: P)

This method moves a node in the environment to some position. If node move is unsupported, it does nothing.

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abstract fun removeGlobalReaction(reaction: GlobalReaction<T>)

Remove a GlobalReaction from the Environment.

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abstract fun removeNode(node: Node<T>)

This method allows to remove a node. If node removal is unsupported, it does nothing.

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abstract fun setLinkingRule(rule: LinkingRule<T, P>)
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abstract fun setSimulation(s: Simulation<T, P>)