The Alchemist Meta-Model

The first step to take in order to use the simulator, is to answer the question

what does Alchemist simulate?

A broad introduction is provided in form of introductory video from the DAIS 2021 conference tutorial.

The model

The world of Alchemist is composed of the following entities:

  • Molecule
    • The name of a data item
    • If Alchemist were an imperative programming language, a molecule would be the concept of variable name
  • Concentration
    • The value associated to a particular molecule
    • If Alchemist were an imperative programming language, a concentration would be the concept of value associated to a variable
  • Node
    • A container of molecules and reactions, living inside an environment
  • Environment
    • The Alchemist abstration for the space. It is a container for nodes, and it is able to tell:
      1. Where the nodes are in the space - i.e. their position
      2. The distance between two nodes
      3. Optionally, support for moving nodes
  • Linking rule
    • A function of the current status of the environment that associates to each node a neighborhood
  • Neighborhood
    • An entity composed by a node (centre) and a set of nodes (neighbors)
  • Reaction
    • Any event that can change the status of the {{ anchor(’environment’, ‘Environment’) }}
    • Each node has a possibly empty set of reactions
    • Each reaction is defined by a possibly empty list of conditions, one or more actions and a {{ anchor(’time distribution’, ‘TimeDistribution’) }}
    • The frequency at which it happens depends on:
      1. A static “rate” parameter
      2. The value of each condition
      3. A “rate equation”, that combines the static rate and the value of conditions, giving back an “instantaneous rate”
      4. A time distribution
  • Condition
    • A function that takes the current environment as input and outputs a boolean and a number
    • If the condition does not hold (i.e. its current output is false), the reaction to which it is associated cannot run
    • The outputed number may or may not influence the reaction speed (i.e. the average number of times the reaction “happens” per time unit), depending on the reaction and its time distribution.
  • Action
    • Models a change in the environment.

The following image is a visualization of such model:

Alchemist model Alchemist model

The behavior of the system is described in terms of reactions. As such, here’s a pictorial representation of a reaction:

Alchemist reaction Alchemist reaction


As you can see, names are given after classical chemistry terms. This is mostly for historical reasons: Alchemist has been initially conceived as a chemical-oriented multi-compartment stochastic simulation engine, able to support compartment (node) mobility while still retaining high performance.

However, Alchemist is not limited to that. The key of its extensibility is in the very loose interpretation of molecule and concentration. These two terms have a very precise definition in chemistry, but in Alchemist they are respectively

  1. a generic identifier, and
  2. a piece of data of some type

An incarnation of Alchemist includes a type definition of concentration, and possibly a set of specific conditions, actions and (rarely) environments and reactions that operate on such types. In other words, an incarnation is a concrete instance of the Alchemist meta-model. In addition, a proper Alchemist incarnation’, ‘Incarnation must also define:

  • Means for translating strings into named entities (molecules)
  • Means for obtaining a number when given a node, a molecule and a string representing a property
  • Means for building incarnation-specific model entities given an appropriate context and a parameter String

These functionalities are required in order to support a uniform access to different incarnations.

Different Incarnations can model completely different universes. For instance, if the concentration is defined as a positive integer and proper actions and conditions are provided, Alchemist becomes a stochastic simulator for chemistry featuring interconnected and mobile compartments.

The standalone distribution comes with: