Draw Layers Gradient
Draw layers values as background in the gui. The higher is the layer concentration in a point, the higher is the alpha channel for the background in that point. The user must specify: - the number of samples for each side, basically more samples correspond to a smoother and more detailed background - the min layer value - the max layer value The purpose and structure of this class is similar to DrawLayersIsolines.
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open fun <T, P : Position2D<P>?> apply(g: Graphics2D, n: Node<T>, environment: Environment<T, P>, wormhole: Wormhole2D<P>)
open fun <T, P : Position2D<P>?> apply(graphics: Graphics2D, node: Node<T>, environment: Environment<T, P>, wormhole: Wormhole2D<P>)
Applies the effect.
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open fun <T, P : Position2D<P>?> drawFunction(function: (in P) -> out Number, environment: Environment<T, P>, graphics: Graphics2D, wormhole: Wormhole2D<P>)
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abstract fun <T, P : Position2D<P>?> drawLayers(toDraw: Collection<Layer<T, P>>, environment: Environment<T, P>, graphics: Graphics2D, wormhole: Wormhole2D<P>)
Effectively draw the layers.
open fun <T, P : Position2D<P>?> drawLayers(toDraw: Collection<Layer<T, P>>, environment: Environment<T, P>, graphics: Graphics2D, wormhole: Wormhole2D<P>)
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