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constructor(environment: Environment<Double, out Any>, node: Node<Double>, molecule: Biomolecule, concentration: Double)


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val node: Node<T>


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abstract fun cloneCondition(node: Node<T>, reaction: Reaction<T>): Condition<T>
open fun cloneCondition(node: Node<T>, reaction: Reaction<T>): Condition<T>
This method allows to clone this action on a new node.
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fun getInboundDependencies(): ListSet<? extends Dependency>
How to override: if you intend your condition to be potentially changed by any change in the context, return null.
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Override if desired behavior differs.
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Searches in the given neighborhood which nodes satisfy the condition, and returns a list of valid neighbors.
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open fun isValid(): Boolean
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open fun reactionReady()
This method is called by the Simulation once the Reaction whose this Condition belongs to is the next one to be executed, and all its conditions passed (namely, the next operation will be the reaction execution).
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open fun toString(): String