class Nearest<T>(environment: Euclidean2DEnvironment<T>, node: Node<T>) : Filtered<T, Euclidean2DPosition>
Filtered strategy considering only the group steering action and the non-group steering action whose targets are nearest to the node's position. The two actions are combined using DistanceWeighted strategy.
the environment in which the node moves.
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the owner of the steering action this strategy belongs to.
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open override fun computeNextPosition(actions: List<SteeringAction<T, Euclidean2DPosition>>): Euclidean2DPosition
Delegated to steerStrategy after filtering the given actions.
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open override fun computeTarget(actions: List<SteeringAction<T, Euclidean2DPosition>>): Euclidean2DPosition
Computes the target to reach starting from the steering actions the node obey to, in absolute coordinates.