
class SpecificPositions(environment: Environment<*, *>, positions: Iterable<Number>) : Deployment<Position<*>>

Given an environment and a list of list of numbers, it creates a list of the right position type for the environment.


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constructor(environment: Environment<*, *>, vararg positions: Iterable<Number>)


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Optional LinkingRule associated to the deployment.

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open operator override fun iterator(): MutableIterator<Position<*>>
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fun <R> Iterable<R>.randomElement(randomGenerator: <Error class: unknown class>): R

Returns a random element of the Iterable using the provided randomGenerator.

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fun <R> Iterable<R>.shuffled(randomGenerator: <Error class: unknown class>): Iterable<R>

Fisher–Yates shuffle algorithm using a RandomGenerator. More information on Wikipedia.

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open override fun stream(): Stream<Position<*>>