Package-level declarations


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abstract class AbstractCloseTo<T, P : Position<P>>(randomGenerator: <Error class: unknown class>, environment: Environment<T, P>, nodeCount: Int, variance: Double) : Deployment<P>

A generic Deployment that displaces a certain nodeCount of nodes in the proximity of a number of sources. Higher variance implies higher dispersion. Subclasses must identify the sources

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abstract class AbstractRandomDeployment<P : Position<out P>>(environment: Environment<*, P>, randomGenerator: <Error class: unknown class>, nodeCount: Int) : Deployment<P>
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data class CircularArc<P : Position2D<P>>(val environment: Environment<*, P>, val randomGenerator: <Error class: unknown class>, val nodeCount: Int, val centerX: Double = 0.0, val centerY: Double = 0.0, val radius: Double = 1.0, val radiusRandomness: Double = 0.0, val angleRandomness: Double = 0.0, val startAngle: Double = 0.0, val endAngle: Double = 2 * PI) : Deployment<P>

Displaces the nodes in the environment in a circular arc, given a nodeCount, the coordinates of the circle's center centerX and centerY, the circle's radius radius, perturbation randomness (uniform, generated via randomGenerator) for radius radiusRandomness and for angle angleRandomness, a startAngle, and an endAngle.

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class CloseToAlreadyDeployed<T, P : Position<P>>(randomGenerator: <Error class: unknown class>, environment: Environment<T, P>, nodeCount: Int, variance: Double) : AbstractCloseTo<T, P>

This it.unibo.alchemist.model.Deployment places new nodes in the proximity of those already included in the environment. Behaviour if there are no nodes already inserted is undefined.

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Distributes nodes geometrically within a rectangular shape.
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class GraphStreamDeployment<P : Position<P>>(createLinks: Boolean, graphStreamSupport: GraphStreamSupport<*, P>) : Deployment<P>

A deployment based on a GraphStream graph.

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open class Grid(environment: Environment<*, *>, randomGenerator: <Error class: unknown class>, xStart: Double, yStart: Double, xEnd: Double, yEnd: Double, xStep: Double, yStep: Double, xRand: Double = 0.0, yRand: Double = 0.0, xShift: Double = 0.0, yShift: Double = 0.0) : Deployment<Position<*>>

A (possibly randomized) grid of nodes.

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class Point<P : Position<out P>?> : Deployment<P>
A single node in a single point.
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open class Polygon<P : Position2D<out P>>(environment: Environment<*, P>, randomGenerator: <Error class: unknown class>, nodes: Int, pointsInput: List<*>) : AbstractRandomDeployment<P>

Creates a new Polygon with the given points.

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class SpecificPositions(environment: Environment<*, *>, positions: Iterable<Number>) : Deployment<Position<*>>

Given an environment and a list of list of numbers, it creates a list of the right position type for the environment.