
interface ConvexShape<V : Vector<V>, A : Transformation<V>> : Shape<V, A>

A convex Shape.

This interface models a property instead of an object, this may be unusual but consider it as a contract: interfaces are often said to be contracts the implementor has to comply, the contract defined by this interface implies convexity.



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abstract val centroid: V

The geometric center.

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abstract val diameter: Double

The largest distance between any pair of vertices.

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open val radius: Double

Half the diameter.


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abstract fun contains(vector: V): Boolean

Check if the shape contains a vector.

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abstract fun intersects(other: Shape<V, A>): Boolean

A shape intersects another if any of its points is contained in the other one.

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abstract fun transformed(transformation: A.() -> Unit): Shape<V, A>

Transforms the shape.