This agent matches a template, removes a single instance of it from the current node and moves the LSA to another node (specified at creation time). Please note that, since the destination could be anywhere in the system, this action has a GLOBAL Context, and thus may trigger a large number of updates, slowing down the whole simulation. Handle with care.


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constructor(environment: Environment<out Any, out Any>, node: ILsaNode, destinationId: Int, template: ILsaMolecule)
This is the constructor that should be called from DSL.
constructor(node: ILsaNode, destination: ILsaNode, template: ILsaMolecule)


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abstract fun cloneAction(node: Node<T>, reaction: Reaction<T>): Action<T>
This method allows to clone this action on a new node.
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open fun execute()
Effectively executes this action.
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open fun getContext(): Context
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fun getOutboundDependencies(): ListSet<? extends Dependency>
How to override: if you intend your action to influence any reaction with compatible context, return null.
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abstract fun setExecutionContext(matches: Map<HashString, ITreeNode<out Any>>, nodes: List<ILsaNode>)
open fun setExecutionContext(m: Map<HashString, ITreeNode<out Any>>, n: List<ILsaNode>)
Sets the context in which this action will execute.
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open fun toString(): String